
There’s been quite some action in the crypto market, especially on DeFiChain! Here’s everything you need to know:

Why is DeFiChain pumping? What’s next?

After the price knew only one direction for a long time, DFI has now quite outperformed Bitcoin again. How could we continue from here?

Learn about Julian’s thoughts in this video: ​youtube.com/watch?v=uXpWcWxs_VE​

Community Highlights

yup, Bake stakers have been extremely lucky! Also, there is 0 waiting time: ​https://bake.io/services/staking​

Julian’s Q&A of the Week

Q: I am not sure how much to invest in crypto. What do you recommend?

A: The ideal position size in volatile markets is small enough for when it goes down, not to matter, but big enough, that when it goes up, to matter. Most asset classes are testing their holders right now. REITs are collapsing, bonds are in a 3 year down cycle, crypto is struggling, commodities are down, precious metals haven’t moved, Big Tech is selling off. Position size is more important than being right or wrong. Then volatility is your friend!

In The News

Quote of the Week

Many people have 2 things: Clue about nothing, but an advice for you about everything!

Meme of the Week

Those were the most important updates from this week. And what have you been up to? 🙂


P.S.: Want to receive future recaps and exclusive updates like this from Julian himself via email? Sign up here: https://ceonews.bake.io