
It’s been a busy cryptoweek – here is everything you shouldn’t have missed:

Should you Buy Bitcoin or Ethereum Right Now?

Will we soon see new all-time highs in the crypto market? From possible Bitcoin and even Ethereum ETFs to big upcoming buys, there are some things that speak for it.

However, there are also good counter arguments. Julian’s opinion in this video: ​https://youtube.com/watch?v=I99-qg_fkns​

Community Highlights

Laurence has been quite active in the community and referred 5 people to the new DCA feature on Julian’s company, ​Bake!​ Kudos to you. That means a high chance to perhaps win a Tesla in the ​current promotion​!

Julian’s Q&A of the Week

Q: Do you think Ethereum could outperform Bitcoin?

A: Ethereum has the potential to get a futures ETF, and that leads me to believe it will outperform Bitcoin, even if the latter gets the spot ETF. Here’s why: there is literally not a single USD (institutional, retail, etc.) that can’t already invest in BTC through exchanges, existing trusts, ETFs, etc. A spot ETF for BTC doesn’t change that much. For ETH, on the other hand, this is like night and day, as it is a completely new opportunity. To be clear, besides DFI, I own both ETH and BTC, but I think ETH will outperform BTC if the futures ETF comes for ETH.

In The News

Quote of the Week

Knowledge is power is bullshit, only properly applied knowledge is power.

Those were the most important updates from this week. And what have you been up to? 🙂


P.S.: Want to receive future recaps and exclusive updates like this from Julian himself via email? Sign up here: https://ceonews.bake.io