
In my last videos I have already talked a lot about the current situation but never really said my complete opinion about it.

In my opinion many politicians and leaders in Germany are extremely weak. Who can’t say exactly in which direction things are going and can’t make the right decisions. For the population there is almost nothing worse in this situation than a lack of certainty. People need certainty. Certainty that they can still pursue their plans in the future. Certainty that the state is there for them and supports them!

There could have been different ways of governing the situation. For myself, the chosen situation is not the most optimal one, but that’s how it is now. And that’s exactly the problem – many people have different views and don’t believe in everything. So many people are selfish and say it doesn’t concern me – I see it differently. But all these people forget that we all have to and should act together as a team! Switching back our own needs for a few weeks and fighting for the common good!

All these individual points are dealt with in this video:

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Your Julian