
In the crypto area there is often a rumor that you can get rich quickly and without much effort. In addition to that, this is only possible with $1000! In many telegram groups it goes up and down and you can hear some price predictions, which will blow up everything. This and even more makes the entry into the crypto area not very easy.

In 2017 the crypto year was marked by the whole ICO’s. This was one of the most extreme times. New projects sprang up like mushrooms from the ground, made a short flight and immediately went down again. Many of them lost their hard earned money. With a few but simple tips and tricks you can avoid these mistakes and increase your money.

Through my years of experience I have established 5 points for myself, which I would pass on to a newcomer:

  1. Scams
  2. Bitcoin has no potential
  3. Wrong amount invested

You can find the last two points directly in the video:

What’s your opinion? What points do you have to add?

Please let me know in the comments!

PS: ► Get up to 12% cash flow from your crypto currencies with complete transparency: https://cakedefi.com/

Your Julian

Youtube: www.youtube.com/julianhospenglish
Youtube CAKE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkRa0RHkJ9Udd_mVWl8fa8A