
Let’s start the 6th round with our series: How to invest the sum XXX in the current market environment. With part 1 we started with $1000 and are now already at 100 million. How exactly the rich would invest such a sum, you will find out in this article.

I am absolutely aware that very few people have such a sum on the side to invest. Even I myself do not have such a sum lying around. But I have some friends who are very familiar with such sums. Therefore I would like to share their experiences and strategies with you.

An important question about this: How do most people come up with such an amount?

For this I have made a detailed video, which you can find right here:

How do you see the strategies and my thought processes? I am looking forward to reading your comments!

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Your Julian

Youtube: www.youtube.com/julianhospenglish
Youtube CAKE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkRa0RHkJ9Udd_mVWl8fa8A