
Welcome to Day 87 of the 90-Day Comeback Challenge. Over the past few weeks, we have had to make some difficult decisions, whether in relation to our products, marketing or cost reduction. There have been many reactions – internally, from customers and of course from critics. Today I would like to give you an insight into how you can stay focused in such phases, set the right priorities and not be distracted by negative influences.

How to Stay Empathetic Without Losing Control

Empathy is crucial if you want to succeed in tough times. But here’s the difference: it’s not about pity; it’s about compassion. Pity means that you suffer with other people’s problems, which only drags you down. Compassion, on the other hand, allows you to understand the other person’s perspective without getting caught in a negative spiral yourself.

The last 11 months have been a roller coaster for me and my team. We’ve experienced drama, gone through tough times, and finally pushed through. Compassion helps to understand the concerns and fears of customers, employees, and even critics without losing your nerve. You need to stay clear-headed and make strategic decisions that support your long-term goals.

Focus on What You Can Control

In turbulent times, it’s especially important to focus on what you can control. There will always be voices that doubt, complain, or just seek attention. Don’t let that distract you. Instead, focus on the things that truly make a difference and that you can influence.

This 90-Day Challenge was a marathon, not a sprint. We had to make decisions that weren’t always popular, but necessary to remain successful in the long run. By focusing on the important tasks and not getting distracted by drama or negative voices, you get closer to your goal, step by step.

Choose Wisely Who You Surround Yourself With

The people you surround yourself with influence your thoughts, your attitude, and ultimately your decisions. If you surround yourself with negativity and drama, you will become negative and dramatic yourself. Instead, seek out an environment that supports you, motivates you, and helps you think clearly.

During this challenge, I’ve made a conscious effort to spend time with people who give me energy and don’t drain it. Whether in business or private life – the right company can make the difference between success and failure.

Final Thoughts: This Is Just the Beginning

Even though the 90-Day Challenge is coming to an end, this is just the beginning of a longer journey. We’ve achieved a lot, but there’s still more to do. The intensity of the past few weeks has been high, but to be sustainably successful, we need to adjust the pace and plan the next steps wisely.

In conclusion, I want to thank you – for your support, your trust, and your feedback. Together, we’ve achieved a lot in the past few months, and I’m excited to continue this journey with you.

Stay tuned, and see you tomorrow!

Take part in our 90-Day-Challenge

If you want to take part in our 90-Day-Challenge and support us, now is the time to do so. If you’re an old customer who withdrew his funds, consider using our platform again. If you’re new – simply sign up here: https://bake.io

Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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