
Welcome to Day 81 of the 90-Day Comeback Challenge. We’re slowly coming to the end of the challenge and today we’re reflecting on what I could have done better – especially when it comes to content and marketing. Enjoy this honest reflection!

What Went Well and What Was Challenging?

One of the biggest challenges in this journey was the content plan. It’s incredibly difficult to plan a strategy 90 days in advance without knowing how the market will develop, what will happen in the company, or what unexpected events might arise. We tried to approach this with a mix of fixed topics and enough flexibility. And I think that worked quite well. We discussed products, marketing, teams, and productivity, consistently mixing in personal topics and reflections.

However, one challenge was my deliberate decision to leave the crypto market out during this period. I know many of my subscribers didn’t expect this, and the YouTube algorithm responded accordingly – viewership dropped. But honestly, it didn’t matter. I wanted to focus on other important topics, and I’m confident that the numbers would immediately rise again if I started talking about crypto.

What Could Have Been Better?

Of course, there are some things I could have done differently. For example, the numbering of the videos. I received a lot of feedback that numbering the days led some viewers to drop off if they missed a few days. Maybe I could have been more creative with the titles and thumbnails to keep interest high throughout.

The Importance of Discipline

One thing I’m really proud of is my discipline over these 81 days. No matter how tough it was – whether the market was up or down, whether things were going well or poorly in the company – I produced a video every day, in both German and English. It wasn’t always easy, but I knew I would see it through. Now, with only a week left, I’m confident I’ll finish strong.

What’s Next?

In the coming days, I’ll be discussing product previews, marketing strategies, and the future of my company. If you have any burning questions or topics you think I should address, let me know. There’s still one day left to plan – so take advantage of the opportunity!


The last 81 days have been intense but incredibly educational. I hope you’ve gained as much from this experience as I have. We’re almost at the finish line – I’m excited to take these last steps with you.

Take part in our 90-Day-Challenge

If you want to take part in our 90-Day-Challenge and support us, now is the time to do so. If you’re an old customer who withdrew his funds, consider using our platform again. If you’re new – simply sign up here: https://bake.io

Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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