
Welcome to Day 75 of the 90 Day Comeback Challenge. Today, this Sunday, we are as always discussing a personal topic: health. Many times, there are always intensive work periods in which you don’t give your health much priority, but a personal story of mine shows that you should never neglect your health too much. Find out what happened to my knee, and how I finally reacted, in this article.

Sacrificing Health for Success?

In recent months, I’ve focused intensely on my projects and sacrificed a lot for them – including my health. One issue I’ve continuously put off was the regular check-up on my knee injury. I sustained this injury while surfing when I unfortunately hit a reef. Initially, I ignored the problem, but over time, the pain became so severe that I could no longer sit comfortably. Despite this, I kept postponing taking action.

The Turning Point: Surgery and Check-up

Eventually, the situation became so bad that I was forced to undergo surgery. At the same time, I finally pushed myself to get my annual health check-up – something I had also put off for far too long. This experience taught me how crucial it is not to neglect these fundamental aspects of our lives. Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how successful you are in other areas if your health suffers.

Put on Your Oxygen Mask First

A comparison that often comes to mind is the one with the oxygen mask on an airplane: if you don’t protect yourself first, you won’t be able to help anyone else. The same principle applies to your life and your health. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will eventually hit a wall – and that can have dangerous consequences.

The Balancing Act: Success and Health

Of course, it’s challenging to find the right balance during intense periods of life. Over the past weeks, for example, I’ve sacrificed a lot of sleep to push my projects forward. But I know this cannot be a long-term solution. Starting in September, I’ll refocus on my health and my hobbies. It’s essential to keep reminding yourself that success and health should go hand in hand.

Conclusion: Prioritize Your Health

If there’s one thing I can emphasize, it’s this: prioritize your health. There are things in life that don’t have a deadline but are still incredibly important. Your health is one of those things. So ask yourself: when was your last health check-up? Are there issues you’ve been ignoring for a long time? If so, take the time to address them – before it’s too late.

With that in mind, make the most of the upcoming week, and don’t forget to take care of yourself.

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Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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