
Welcome to Day 58 of the 90-Day Comeback Challenge. Today I’m sharing five simple yet effective strategies that could save you a whole 40 hours a week! It sounds unbelievable, but there are so many time wasters that are easily overlooked. Get your precious time back now and find out how you can make your everyday life more efficient.

1. Establish Routines and Rituals

One of the most important things is to incorporate as many decisions as possible into routines and rituals. This means you don’t have to rethink what to wear or eat every day. For example, I almost always wear the same white shirt and eat the same breakfast and lunch. It might sound boring, but it saves a lot of time and energy that you can use for more important things.

2. Delegate or Optimize Housework

Household tasks like cooking, shopping, cleaning, and washing can take up a lot of time. Consider how you can make these tasks more efficient or partially delegate them. In my family, we share these tasks. I focus on business, while my wife takes care of the household, supported by housekeepers. Of course, this is also a financial question, but it’s about how you integrate these activities into your daily routine without them taking up too much time.

3. Bundle Messaging and Social Media

Many people waste an incredible amount of time on messaging and social media. Make sure to bundle these activities and not be constantly interrupted. Turn off notifications and schedule specific times to check emails, WhatsApp, and other messages. This way, you can concentrate better and save a lot of time.

4. Efficiency in Meetings and Communication

A concept by Naval Ravikant that I highly appreciate is efficiency in meetings and communication. If you don’t need to meet someone, make a call. If a call isn’t necessary, send a message. And if that’s not needed either, do nothing. This principle helps you avoid unnecessary meetings and long conversations. But remember that we are social beings and need personal contact. Find the right balance here.

5. Identify and Eliminate Time Wasters

Last but not least, you should eliminate unimportant, irrelevant, and non-urgent topics. This can be the current news cycle, social media, or political discussions. These topics consume a lot of time and energy that you could use for more important things. Identify these time wasters and minimize them as much as possible.

I hope you can implement these five tips for yourself and become more productive. If you want to learn more about any particular topic or want something to be explored in depth, let me know. See you tomorrow for Day 59!

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Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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