
You won’t believe me! Today while hiking, I came across a group of teenagers and saw something that is extremely rare these days… You can find out what happened and the lesson I learned from it in this article.

My Saturday Morning

As I often do on weekends, I got up relatively early and set out for a hike around the MacRitchie Reservoir. There are various paths you can take, and today we chose a slightly longer one – 15 kilometers. This means it involves quite a bit of uphill and downhill walking, and with a steady 30 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity, it can be quite challenging. While it may not be comparable to a hike in the Tyrolean mountains, it still requires a good amount of stamina.

An Encounter with Teenagers

During the hike, which takes about two hours and fifteen minutes, I met a good friend. We walked together and then we came across a group of teenagers – probably around 15 or 16 years old. What particularly impressed me was that none of them had a phone in their hand. Instead, they were talking, laughing, and goofing around. As they passed us, I couldn’t help but say to my friend,

“You know what’s really amazing? I look at these teenagers and I know their parents did something right.”

The Importance of Parenting

It was truly astonishing to see these teenagers without their phones. Of course, they probably had one with them in case they needed to call someone, but it wasn’t constantly in use. They were having fun, laughing, and goofing around as they walked around the reservoir. This made me think. If I can raise my three boys to not be glued to their laptops or phones but instead enjoy being outdoors and socializing, then I will have achieved a lot as a parent.

Societal Changes

Unfortunately, we often see the opposite today. There is a culture of complaining and entitlement. Many people just want to have things without putting in any effort. As a result, social contacts often suffer. People are glued to their social media accounts and forget what really matters – experiencing great moments with other people. This applies not only to children and teenagers but also to us adults. Going outside, away from the laptop and phone, enjoying nature, and being in the moment – these are the things that really make life worthwhile.

A Personal Achievement

This morning was really nice. After the hike, we had a late breakfast, talked a lot, and laughed. These are the moments that make life special. When I saw those teenagers, I thought to myself, “This is exactly what I want for my three kids.”

That’s my word for Saturday. I hope you have a great weekend and a good start to the new week. Tomorrow there’s another personal topic before we dive into the second half with full force.

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Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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