
An often neglected part of your marketing… after talking about product development yesterday, on day 42 of 90-Day Comeback Challenge we delve into the next step in marketing. What comes after you’ve launched an MVP, planned campaigns and fired up your marketing promotions? Find out in this article.

Social Proof: The Power of Early Followers

Today, I want to talk about a crucial point in your marketing strategy – social proof. Especially at this stage, where you may have already launched your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and the first marketing campaigns are running, it’s important to get feedback and reviews from your first users.

These early followers are extremely important. They are the bridge between the early adopters and the general public. Their feedback can give potential users the confidence they need to try your product.

How to Get Valuable Feedback

There are several ways to collect valuable feedback:

  1. Organically: When users talk about your product on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Telegram, you can screenshot and share their posts.

  2. Goodies and Incentives: Send emails to your users and offer small rewards if they leave feedback and allow you to share it.

  3. Direct Requests: Ask your users directly for reviews. A good example is my book “The Value Formula”. I regularly ask for reviews on Amazon and appreciate every piece of feedback.

Using and Sharing Feedback

You can use the collected feedback in various ways:

  • Display it in your app
  • Share it on social media platforms
  • Integrate it into email campaigns
  • Present it on your website

The more positive feedback you show, the more trust potential users will have in your product.


An essential step in your marketing strategy is collecting and sharing feedback from your early followers. These reviews are crucial for building trust and attracting more users.

Take part in our 90-Day-Challenge

If you want to take part in our 90-Day-Challenge and support us, now is the time to do so. If you’re an old customer who withdrew his funds, consider using our platform again. If you’re new – simply sign up here: https://bake.io

Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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