
We are already at part 5: “How would I invest the sum XXX”. We started with $1000 and are now already at 10 million Dollar.

Since I have more than 10 million Dollar and most of them in my environment, I can tell you from my own experience and share my strategies with you. It doesn’t matter whether you own so much money yourself or not. The important thing is to understand the strategies!

It is not at all about showing off – on the contrary, I came from the bottom of the ladder myself and would like to encourage you and show you – you can do it!

Shortly as a repetition for the three basic principles:

  1. earn money
  2. keep money
  3. multiply money

These three principles apply always and with any amount!

How it looks like with 10 million Dollar, you can see in detail in the video:

What’s your take on this? What would you do with $10 million?

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Your Julian

Youtube: www.youtube.com/julianhospenglish
Youtube CAKE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkRa0RHkJ9Udd_mVWl8fa8A