
Welcome to Day 76 of the 90-Day Comeback Challenge. Today we’re discussing a fundamental consideration in any company: should you be a personal brand or a faceless institution? I’m going to talk specifically about Bake and whether we should move away from my personal brand “Julian Hosp” and focus more on the company brand. Find out my thoughts on this, and the advantages and disadvantages of a personal brand compared to a more neutral company brand, in this article.

Why Rebranding at All?

The question of rebranding has played a significant role for us in recent weeks. For me personally, and in all my previous companies, it has always been a given that the brand is strongly associated with my persona. This combination of personal brand and corporate brand has not only worked well but also brought immense benefits. The marketing was efficient, cost-effective, and customers were loyal. They came to us because of the “Julian Hosp” brand.

When you look at examples like Elon Musk, it becomes clear how powerful a personal brand can be. Musk, with his persona, attracts a massive following to Tesla and X. But this also has its downsides. The reputation of the individual plays a significant role, which can be both positive and negative. While I’m not as polarizing as Musk, my actions and statements do influence the brand.

Faceless or Personal?

On the other hand, there are companies that operate in a more faceless manner, like Google. Here, there isn’t a central figure leading the marketing. The advantage is that the company can function independently of any one person, but it also means that the marketing is often more expensive and less efficient. Companies without a strong personal brand often struggle to achieve the same market capitalization as those with a strong founding figure.

For us, the question is whether we should move towards a more neutral corporate brand. Should we completely rebrand and push Julian Hosp more into the background? Or should everything remain as it is? These questions don’t have simple answers. There are pros and cons on both sides, and the decision is anything but easy.

What Do You Think?

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts. Especially if you are at the beginning of your branding journey. Do you think a personal brand is indispensable, or would it be better to appear more neutral? Feel free to share your feedback with me.


Rebranding is a fundamental decision that can have far-reaching consequences. Whether you choose a personal brand or a neutral corporate brand – there is no right or wrong. It depends on many factors that you need to carefully consider. For us, this decision will be made in the coming months, and I will keep you updated on how things progress.

Take part in our 90-Day-Challenge

If you want to take part in our 90-Day-Challenge and support us, now is the time to do so. If you’re an old customer who withdrew his funds, consider using our platform again. If you’re new – simply sign up here: https://bake.io

Your Julian
Entrepreneur / Investor / Athlete / Father

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