
For over ten years I have been trying to read about one book a week every year, that is 52 books in 52 weeks. At the end of each year I reflect on the books and rate them with stars. Already in the first half of 2019 I have listed the first 26 books from the first half of 2019, which you can find here.

Now I want to give you the second 26 books with all links. Please let me know on social media which book I should definitely read in 2020, or which of the 52 books from 2019 you found particularly great.

  1. The never-ending story – Michael Ende (reread) 4/5 https://geni.us/neverendingstory
  2. Biography Albert Einstein – Walter Isaacson 5/5 https://geni.us/alberteinstein
  3. How Google Works 4/5 https://geni.us/how-google-works
  4. Emergency – Neil Strauss 4/5 https://geni.us/emergency
  5. Trillion Dollar Coach 3/5 https://geni.us/trillion-dollar-coach
  6. Inside the tornado 3/5 https://geni.us/inside-the-tornado
  7. Can’t hurt me – David Goggins 4/5 https://geni.us/cant-hurt-me
  8. Talking to strangers – Malcolm Gladwell 5/5 (Top5 2019) https://geni.us/talking-to-strangers
  9. Thinking in bets – Annie Duke 5/5 (Top5) https://geni.us/thinking-in-bets
  10. Atomic Habits – James Clear 5/5 https://geni.us/atomic-habits
  11. Meditations – Marcus Aurelius 2/5 https://geni.us/aurelius-meditations
  12. Algorithms to live by – Brian Christian 4/5 https://geni.us/algorithms-to-live-by
  13. Angel – Jason Calacanis 4/5 https://geni.us/angel-investor
  14. Skin in the game – Nassim Nicholas Taleb 4/5 https://geni.us/skin-in-the-game
  15. Get and stay motivated – Grant Cardone 2/5 https://geni.us/motivated
  16. Way of the wolf – Jordan Belfort 4/5 https://geni.us/way-of-the-wolf
  17. Head Strong – Dave Asprey 3/5 https://geni.us/head-strong-plan
  18. Creature from Jekyll Island – Edward Griffin 5/5 https://geni.us/creature
  19. Känguruh 1 – Marc Uwe Kling (Reread) 5/5 https://geni.us/kaenguru1
  20. Känguruh 2 – Marc Uwe Kling (Reread)4/5 https://geni.us/kaenguru2
  21. Känguruh 3 – Marc Uwe Kling (Reread) 5/5 https://geni.us/kaenguru3
  22. Känguruh 4 – Marc Uwe Kling (Reread) 4/5 https://geni.us/kaenguru4
  23. Qualityland – Marc Uwe Kling (Reread) 5/5 https://geni.us/qualityland
  24. Financial Serial Killers 5/5 (top 5 2019!) https://geni.us/financial
  25. Superhuman – Dave Aspree (4/5) https://geni.us/super-human
  26. Research Book (no details for public)

Honorary Mention: Timehorizon Prinzip ? https://geni.us/timehorizon_en

Have fun,

Your Julian

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